Y11 NCS National Citizen Service 2019 Wave 1 - July 2019

Mon 08 Jul 2019

Our Y11 students in Wave 1 of the NCS National Citizen Service teams from Redcar & Cleveland are working hard at the start of their summer, after a Residential at Lake Coniston in the Lake District, during the second week of July. They are now back on Teesside on a further Residential, helping them focus on their media, business and presentation skills, as well as refining their programming using Raspberry PIs! Some are due to Zetland FM shortly too; listen out at 10am on Monday 15 July! Soon they will be working on a local social action project.

Well done Joshua, Scott, Luke, Kian, Ryan we are looking forward to seeing the fruit of your efforts with your volunteering project shortly. They were joined by students from several schools including Outwood Redcar and Outwood Bydales.

Thank you so much to all the students, from across Redcar & Cleveland Schools, for volunteering to go out and make such a difference. We hope you are enjoying yourselves, are making new friends and are getting a huge sense of achievement!

Thank you to colleagues from Imagine You Can TV, led by Dave King, for coordinating and organising our local NCS year after year. Such brilliant work!