Vertical Mentor Groups Launch Assemblies - 5 July 2019

Fri 05 Jul 2019

On Friday Ms McDonnell, Assistant Principal and Mr Wappat held assemblies for all year groups to explain our move to new Vertical Mentor Groups, ahead of students finding out about their new country and mentor during the Friday afternoon tutor period. On Monday 8 July we will move across to the new groups and much has been going on behind the scenes in support.

Our new tutor groups will be known as Vertical Mentor Groups because each VMG has students of differing ages from Year 7 through to Year 11, with approximately 5 students from each year group. Each VMG is named after a country, and all are linked to one of four continents. Our continents are Africa, Asia, Americas and Oceania.

VMG time from September 2019 will be mid-morning starting at 10.25am and lasts for 20 minutes. Each VMG has a mentor, usually a teacher, who delivers a programme of discussions and activities centred on themes outside the usual curriculum. All students have one weekly assembly in their VMG, together with all other VMGs in their continent. Year groups will also have an assembly in rotation, usually around once a month.

The themes for the continent assemblies are based on the habits of success, skills and qualities to enable the students to become independent learners, as well as having a greater awareness and understanding of current affairs and events happening around the world.

There is more information about VMGs on our website page here: