Letter regarding school closure/FSM on Wednesday 8 December

Tue 07 Dec 2021
Enforced School Closure to all students - Wednesday 8 December 2021

The health, safety and welfare of our students are at the forefront of the decisions we make as a school. In partnership with the PFI building owners, it is with regret that we have had to make the decision to carry out an enforced closure tomorrow. Due to storm damage, a section of the roof has become unsafe.  Work to rectify the problem will take place during the school day tomorrow to ensure the building is safe for all to return on Thursday.

Home Learning
We have a strong plan in place for home learning via Google classroom. Students should be up and learning by 8.25am. All students will be invited to a year group Google assembly classroom this evening and they should log into this classroom at 8.25am in the morning for an information giving session about how the academic day will work. Please encourage your child to accept the invite to the Google classroom tonight or before 8.20am in the morning. Thank you in anticipation of your help and support with this.

Students will then follow their normal Wednesday timetable for the day by visiting the Google classrooms for each subject at the correct times. The majority of lessons will be live, some pre-recorded and some will have work posted for students to complete. In order for parents/carers to support their children at home, Outwood have created a Home Learning webpage which provides you with guidance on how to access Google classroom with your child here: www.homelearning.outwood.com

All students have previously been shown how to access Google classroom and have been given their login and password details. Students have been given a sticker with this information which will be in their planner. Should you need any support with Google classroom or internet access then please email enquiries@normanby.outwood.com

Students in receipt of Free School Meals
Students that are eligible to receive a free school meal, will be invited to collect a food parcel from the academy gates between the hours of 12.30pm and 1.30pm.  Students should report to the main drive upon arrival and then leave site immediately after they have collected their food parcel.  Please let us know, by completing this Google Form by no later than 7.30pm today if you would like us to prepare a food parcel for your child.

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support during this time.