End of Term Newsletter - 19 July 2019

Fri 19 Jul 2019
As a busy term draws to an end, I wanted to write to you all following my start at Hillsview Academy for two reasons. Firstly to thank you for your obvious support with regard to the changes we are already implementing to accelerate improvements at the school, following on the excellent work of Mrs Simon. Secondly I wanted to give specific information that will hopefully be useful. Many thanks to those of you who have been in touch with questions, which has helped with my writing this newsletter. All letters are on our website here: www.normanby.outwood.com/letters-to-parents

End of Summer Term
Term ends for students at 12.30pm on Friday 19 July. Lunches are available for students who require one. From September, each and every school term will end at the new school finish time of 2.30pm.

Term Dates 2019-2020
A list of all term dates and school closures for 2019-2020 are available on our website here: www.normanby.outwood.com/term-dates Term starts for ALL students on Wednesday 4 September at 8.20am for a lesson start of 8.25am. Year 7, 8 and 10 students should bring their PE kit in case they have a PE lesson on the first day.

School Day Timings
The timings of our new school days begin on Wednesday 4 September. Students should enter the school grounds, and be over the purple line, before 8.20am or will be deemed late. There is no tutor period at the start of the school day; students are registered in each lesson, and start their Period 1 subject lesson at 8.25am promptly.

Period 1 8.25 – 9.25 am
Period 2 9.25 – 10.25 am
Tutor VMG/Assembly 10.25 – 10.45 am
Break 10.45 – 11.00 am
Period 3 11.00 – 12.00 pm
Period 4/Lunchtime* 12.00 – 1.30 pm
Period 5 1.30 – 2.30pm
Optional Enrichment 2.30 – 3.30pm

We are delighted with the feedback from students following our very recent change to lunchtimes, and the support of our catering colleagues from Robertson FM in making the changes happen so quickly. Lunchtimes are 30 minutes long, but in a staggered way so that queuing for food is kept to a minimum and to allow all students to sit and eat with their friends without rushing.

Year 8 & Year 10 12.00 – 12.30 pm
Year 7 12.30 – 1.00 pm
Year 9 & Year 11 1.00 – 1.30pm

Litter and Less Healthy Food
It is my expectation that all members of the school community place any litter they see in bins. I am liaising with our site team regarding suitable lids for the existing litter bins that appear to allow the wind and birds to remove rubbish. Students have responded well to our expectations, with many coming forward as volunteers around site without being prompted! In September I will write to parents regarding my thoughts regarding unhealthy food on site, such as crisps, energy drinks and chocolate bars that are contributing to unnecessary litter and poor nutrition in a small minority of students.

School Uniform
The vast majority of students, including Year 6, have been measured for free new uniform. This can be collected in school on Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 August. There are some timings that we hope parents can adhere to on those days but appreciate this might not be possible. The full timings are in a letter issued recently by Mrs Smith, Office Manager but are also on our website, alongside how to order spares online: www.normanby.outwood.com/uniform On those days, uniform can be swapped if the fit is not right, and spares ordered. All students will be issued with a blazer, a tie, one pair of trousers or skirt, 2 white shirts, PE polo shirt, PE rugby shirt, PE shorts, PE socks. If your child has not measured, please contact Debbie Smith on dsmith2@hillsviewacademy.org as soon as possible. Be aware that Bambini, Guisborough also stock our uniform and can take measurements.

Uniform (Miscellaneous)
In September, students are required to wear plain black shoes that can be polished, rather than boots or canvas/suede shoes. Socks must be plain black. Hair bands/bobbles must be plain black or purple. All students must have a suitable bag, at least A4 size, to carry books. Any coat worn must be large enough to go over the blazer, not underneath such as hoodies. We do not allow jewellery or make-up.

Participation and kit in PE
For PE, students will require trainers without dark soles, and football boots. All students are required to have PE kit with them when PE lessons are scheduled and to wear it. In exceptional circumstances, when students are not directly participating due to injury, they will be given a role such as giving feedback to those who are participating. Students without PE kit will be expected to wear provided, clean PE kit. We would value football boot donations too, where they are outgrown etc.

Student Timetables
Many thanks to Year 8, 9 and 10 parents and students who have been so supportive regarding the changes we are making to our Curriculum from September. In particular, the response to the Pathways Evening and return of forms by the deadline was very much appreciated. Students will be issued with timetables on the first day back. All of Year 7, Year 8 and Year 10 should bring in their full PE kit on Wednesday 4 September as some in those years have PE lessons. Student planners will also be issued on the first day.

Outwood Academy Normanby Social Media
I have been delighted by the response of parents to our newly launched social media and website. I have always found such approaches a vital way to share information quickly, celebrate student and staff successes and promote events happening in school, the local community and with post-16 providers. We will continue to send letters home too. Our new website is constantly growing at www.normanby.outwood.com and has easily accessible news and copies of letters on the home page. Please ‘Like’ our Facebook page called Outwood Academy Normanby or follow us on Twitter @OutwoodNormanby as it greatly aids communication and helps you support us.

Finally, I wish you and your family well for the summer, and look forward to working with you even more closely from September.

Yours faithfully

Andrew Wappat
Outwood Academy Normanby