Year 11 Mock Examinations 7 - 16 March

Tue 01 Mar 2022

Year 11 Mock Examinations - Monday 7 March to Wednesday 16 March

I am pleased to be able to share with you the details of the mock exams that your child will complete during the March mock exam period.  These mock exams are an important part of the work that your child is completing to prepare for their GCSE summer examinations which begin in two months’ time. 

These mock exams will ensure that your child fully understands the formal JCQ examination regulations, and how GCSE exams will run at Outwood Normanby.  They will also enable students to practice their revision techniques, and the feedback they receive from these mock exams will indicate where students need to focus their revision on.  These examinations will provide your child’s teachers with a clear indication of where they may need additional support to be able to achieve their full potential during the summer 2022 exam period.

You can find the mock exam timetable within the attached letter which shows all written exams that will take place during the mock period. Please note, practical Art and Textiles exams will take place between 21 March and 23 March, with details of groups to follow

Please note additional details regarding the mock examinations:

Revision breakfasts
Before every morning exam there will be a revision breakfast session starting at 7.30am.  The revision breakfast is a fantastic opportunity for students to complete final preparations for each exam, including receiving a free hot bacon, sausage or egg buttie.  This is an important part of preparing for each exam - just as we will do in the summer GCSE exams - and we hope that every student takes up this opportunity, and manages the routine.

Morning exams
Students with a morning exam should arrive at school at 7.30am and join their teachers in that subject’s normal classroom.  After breakfast is served in the dining area, students will line up on the yard outside of the exam hall by 8.40am. Examinations will commence promptly at 8.45am.

Afternoon exams
To accommodate the afternoon exams, Year 11 will have their lunch between 12.00pm - 12.30pm.  Students who have an afternoon exam will line up outside the exam hall at 12.30pm for a prompt start.  Students who do not have an afternoon exam will go to normal timetabled lessons. 

Mr Wappat has conducted a number of assemblies with Year 11 over the academic year, and has shared some of the national exam regulations which you can find outlined below:

  • Students must remain in silence at all times in the examination hall, and must not attempt to communicate with any other student
  • Students must not carry an electronic device - this includes mobile phones, headphones, and watches
  • Students must only have a transparent water bottle or pencil case (although equipment will be provided for each examination)
  • Students must leave all of their belongings in the designated area.

These are the basic expectations of the JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications).  Student misconduct during actual GCSE examinations rightly has to be reported to the examination boards, to preserve the integrity of national qualifications.  Misconduct can lead to being disqualified and not receiving a grade.  It is important that students experience the same conditions during mock examinations so they are familiar with them, and gain confidence and resilience tackling some relatively long papers.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me via if you have any questions or concerns.