Enforced Partial School Closure to Year 9 - Thursday 27 January 2022

Wed 26 Jan 2022
As I said in my letter to you yesterday, the health, safety and welfare of our students, staff and families are a key part of the decisions we make as a school. It is with much regret that I have had to make the decision to continue with the enforced partial closure to Year 9 for a second day. Unfortunately staffing levels remain low which means that we cannot safely accommodate all students within the academy, hence the need to remain closed to Year 9 students on Thursday 27 January. I am very confident, despite the decision today, that Year 9 students will be able to return to school as normal on Friday 28 January, as staffing levels are set to improve following return from Covid isolation.

Home LearningĀ 

We continue to have a strong plan in place for home learning via Google Classroom. As today, students should be up and logging on by 8.30am in preparation for the start of Period 1 at 8.45am. Students should follow their normal timetable for Thursday by visiting the correct subject Google Classrooms at the correct times, as shown in their planner. Lessons will have work posted into each subject classroom for students to complete.

All students have been shown how to access Google Classroom and we have checked that they have their login and password details. Students have been given a sticker with this information which will be in their planner. Should you need any support with Google Classroom or internet access then please email enquiries@normanby.outwood.com Thank you to parents who made use of this facility today. There is also an Outwood webpage that has video clips that show how to access Google Classroom here: Webpage.

Students in receipt of Free School MealsĀ 

If your child is eligible for a free school meal, and you would like to request a packed lunch, please follow this link: Packed Lunch Request and complete by no later than 7.00pm this evening. Your child should collect their packed lunch between 11am-noon from Reception.

Thank you as ever for your patience and support at this challenging time; it is appreciated.