Start of Term Newsletter - January 2022

Tue 04 Jan 2022
As we start the new term, I firstly wanted to thank you for your ongoing support, kindness and patience over what was a challenging few days at the end of last term. Whilst so far, we have been in a position to keep the school open for all year groups each day, due to fortunate low levels of staff absence, the storm damage forcing a day of closure was very frustrating. The last few weeks have been difficult for the country with the emergence of the new Omicron variant of Covid-19. We are tracking developments and advice closely.

I would be very grateful if you could read this letter with your child, as there is important information about coronavirus, as well as a reminder of our high expectations for student organisation, conduct and uniform.

COVID Related Issues

Rapid LFD Test before return
Thank you if you gave consent for your child to attend today (Tuesday) for a rapid lateral flow device (LFD) test, something we were asked to provide by the government to help reduce the transmission of Covid-19. The conduct of students was excellent. If your child did not attend today, please can I ask that they conduct a LFD test at home this evening, before they return to school tomorrow. Please report the result, negative or positive, to the SCHOOL via this link: and ALSO to the NHS via this link: 

Regular LFD Testing - Wednesdays/Sundays
Please can you continue to supervise your child completing a LFD test twice weekly, preferably on Wednesday and Sunday evenings, as requested by the government. This is really important and helps us all to reduce the risk of transmission of infection within schools.  Please report to the two links above, each time a test is taken. Additional LFD kits can be collected from school reception. 

Face Coverings
As I mentioned in the text sent on Sunday, with immediate effect, the government has asked that face coverings are to be worn indoors, including in classrooms, by all students and staff within a secondary school setting.  This advice appears to be short term only and is in place to support students and teachers as they return to school this term.  The usual face covering exemptions still apply. I do appreciate that there are differing views about the use of face-coverings by children, however one particular importance is protecting school staff from infection, allowing us to keep the school fully open and provide face-to-face on site education for every student. I am sure you would share my view that this is a priority for us all. Please can your child bring and wear a suitable washable face-covering. For those that do arrive without a mask, they will be available on entry to the school. 

Changes to Self-Isolation Period for Positive Covid-19 Cases
The 10 day self-isolation period for anyone who records a positive PCR test result for Covid-19 has been reduced to 7 days. You can now take LFD tests on day 6 and day 7 of any self-isolation period*.  Please note the first LFD test must be taken no earlier than day 6 of the self-isolation period and tests must be taken 24 hours apart.  If both these test results are negative, and your child does not have a high temperature, they can end self-isolation after the second negative test result and return to school from day 8 rather than wait a full 10 days. *Self isolation day 0 is the first day of symptoms, or the day of a positive LFD or PCR test if no symptoms were apparent. 

Daily Testing for Close Contacts of Covid-19
People who are fully vaccinated and young people aged between 5 and 18 who are identified as a close contact of someone with Covid-19, should take an LFD test every day for seven days and continue to attend their school setting as normal, unless they have a positive test result or develop symptoms at any time.

Uniform and Academy Expectations

Please could I ask that you are familiar with the expectations below and ensure that your child is able to meet them ahead of returning tomorrow. We want to work together to ensure your child is successful. Our website does have further details here: 

No jewellery is allowed. Jewellery will be confiscated and placed in the school safe for collection by an adult, or the child at the end of the half-term. Any piercing should be done at the start of the summer holidays, to give time for healing and future removal, as no student is allowed to wear earrings or any other jewellery during the school day. 

Noticeable make-up is not allowed. The decision as to what qualifies as discreet rests with the Principal. False eyelashes are not to be worn. False nails or nail varnish of any colour is not allowed. 

Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are not allowed to be seen or heard in the academy, after the purple line at the school entrance. If a student has their mobile phone out before they have left site at the end of the day, they will be expected to hand it to a member of staff, for collection by a parent or adult from reception. 

All students should have their Planner and these will also be checked each morning.

As a minimum, students should be arriving at the academy with a school bag (at least A4 sized), their planner, and basic equipment to be ready in lessons - a pen and pencil.

Where a student does not comply with these expectations they will be issued with a consequence such as a detention. If a student refuses to follow a reasonable request (such as removing bracelets or earrings, or borrow spare uniform) it may result in suspension from the academy.

Thank you for continued support of the education we are providing here; it is really appreciated.

Yours faithfully

Andrew Wappat